LUCRIS - system for research information
LUCRIS - system for research information
LUCRIS, Lund University Current Research Information System, is Lund University’s current research information system, where you will be able to input information about yourself, projects, publications, and activities. This information will be searchable in the Lund University Research Portal, which presents research from the entire university. Each faculty and all researchers have their own profile page. Apart from the web portal, the information in LUCRIS will also be used on your personal web page at the Faculty. In addition, publications registered in LUCRIS will be available in SwePub.
What does LUCRIS mean for you?
You will log into LUCRIS with your Lucat-profile to register your information. Since LUCRIS is a relational database, you can create links between projects, publications, activities and other researchers, and consequently make your research visible in various ways in the portal.
Click here to go to Lund University's information page about LUCRIS.
Minimum requirements
LUCRIS will become a central channel for the Faculty of Law to communicate research, both internally at the university and externally to other higher education institutions and wider society. For the information to be current and consistent, the Faculty have decided on a set of minimum requirements, that is the least amount of information that the researchers need to register and keep updated in LUCRIS.
The minimum requirements in short:
- All researchers are to register presentations on their research and education. This should be written in both English and Swedish, but the texts does not need to be identical. Where applicable, a presentation of external engagements and/or research impact should be registered.
- All researchers are to include a photo.
- All externally financed research projects are to be registered. The contracts are already available in LUCRIS and the projects are to be linked to them. Other projects should be registered.
- Doctoral degree projects are to be registered as projects.
- Publications produced as an employee of the Faculty are to be registered.
- The information is to be updated continuously, at least twice a year.
Research activities
You can also register your research activities in LUCRIS, for example conference participation, editorship, and awards. It it optional to register activities, but the Faculty recommends that you do it in order to show the range of your research.
If you need support
Contact Jon Eriksen, Gunilla Wiklund or Elin Thunell at the library.
- jon [dot] eriksen [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (jon[dot]eriksen[at]jur[dot]lu[dot]se)
- gunilla [dot] wiklund [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (gunilla[dot]wiklund[at]jur[dot]lu[dot]se)
- elin [dot] thunell [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (elin[dot]thunell[at]jur[dot]lu[dot]se)
Click here and log in to update your profile.

Research portal
Search researchers, research projects and publications.