Environmental Justice – 15 credits
Environmental Justice (JUMN01) – distance course in English
“We want justice!” Not a day passes without calls for justice dominating the news. But what is justice, why should we want to pursue it, and how can law help bring it about? This course zooms in on environmental justice, and revolves around these ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions. The course is taught in English and is a distance course.

Although a single universal vision of justice may not be possible, necessary or even desirable, it is viable to distinguish different conceptions of justice that have informed societies. Also, while it may be impossible to agree on what precisely amounts to justice, it is a whole lot easier to recognize injustice. In sum, there is every reason to hope that by discussing justice we may come to agree on basic baselines informing just societies.
But why would we invest our time and energy in such an endeavor? Isn’t the evidence overwhelmingly that talk of justice often is gratuitous, and that the language of raw power speaks louder than that of justice? And why worry about environmental justice? One persuasive reply is that injustice is a source of pain and suffering, that anyone is a potential victim of injustice, and that therefore it is in all our best interest to craft societies that we think are ‘just’.
The unfolding ecological catastrophe undeniably is a source of unspeakable injustice, now and in the future. Even if we ignore the capacity of non-humans to feel pain and pleasure, then climate disasters, forest fires, water scarcity, toxic waste and atmospheric pollution should still command our full attention.
How will we divide increasingly scarce natural resources on which human life depends (water, air, food, energy, biodiversity etc.)? How to deal with the fact that some nations that so clearly have contributed to and benefited from the exploitation of nature most, are suffering least? Can we think of ways to give future generations and non-humans a voice when we start answering these questions?
Along these lines, the course addresses distributive, procedural and substantive themes of environmental justice, frameworks and instruments of environmental governance. Discussions cover the Aarhus Convention, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol, EU environmental directives, and emerging corporate due diligence requirements. We explore pertinent questions of climate justice, bio-justice, hydro-justice, global value chains and a just transition. In addition, procedural mechanisms for achieving Environmental Justice are discussed, including environmental impact assessments, the precautionary principle, and rights to access to information, meaningful participation and justice in environmental matters.
Course content
This is a course in law at advanced level. The course is divided into several modules. The course will give the students an understanding of the history and overview of environmental justice. Key concepts such as biodiversity and global supply chains will be discussed and used within the course. The students will get an understanding of why, when and where the development of environmental justice begun.
The students will get familiar with specific areas of law, including various conventions and other documents within international law. This will enable the students’ understanding of established law and its applicability. Furthermore, the course aims to illustrate bilateral agreements and other forms of cooperation. If you want to take part in a critical and multi-faceted discussion about environmental justice, then this course is for you. We look forward to seeing you there!
Course design
The course objectives are met through active participation in the education, independent studies of the course material and carrying out obligatory elements of the course.
The course is designed using the “flipped classroom”-model, which means that the lectures are web-based. The web-based lectures are paired with quizzes. Besides this, the student shall hand in four reflective papers and one final paper to obtain a grade.
Environmental Justice consists of 15 credits. It is a full-time course (100% study pace) and is scheduled to require 10 weeks of full studies during summer.
The different parts of the course
For each area of law there is a number of web-based lectures that you will get access to via the learning platform Canvas. You can watch the web-lectures when it suits you, so that you, as a student, can plan your studies yourself.
Literature and legal text
In parallel with the lectures, you will read the associated legal text. For this course, there is no prescribed textbook, rather the readings assigned will be sourced from academic journals, websites, chapters in books, etc.
Multiple-choice quizzes
To continuously test your knowledge there are a number of self-correcting quizzes with multiple-choice questions. The quizzes are not mandatory and can be done multiple times. The purpose of the quizzes is to facilitate your learning. The quizzes are not a part of the examination.
You will be assessed through four reflective papers and one final paper. Your final grade will be based on a weighted assessment of your result on the four reflective papers and your result on the final paper.
Marking scale: Fail (U), Pass (B), Pass with credit (BA), Pass with distinction (AB).
All grading criteria rest on the baseline set up for the grade B. Criteria for the grade BA are additional to those for the grade B. Criteria for the grade AB are additional to those for the grade BA.
Credit transfer
It is possible to take credit for the course within the Professional Law Degree Programme at Lund University. For questions regarding credit transfers at other universities, please contact the university in question.
Information regarding registration
When you have been accepted to the course you will, shortly before the start of the course, receive an e-mail from us with all the information you need to register for the course. The e-mail is sent to the e-mail address you provided on Universityadmissions.se. If you have not received an email from us the day before the start of the course at the latest, please check your junk mail. If you do not find the email there, kindly contact us.
When you have received the welcome letter with information regarding registration, it is important that you register as soon as possible to secure your place on the course. Registration is done via student.ladok.se. All information can be found in the welcome letter.
Early discontinuation
If you do not want to complete the course, you have the option to discontinue your studies. If you made an early discontinuation of your studies, it is possible for you to apply for the course again. An early discontinuation can be made no later than three weeks after the start of the course, after which the discontinuation becomes definitive. Then you cannot apply for the course again. You can either complete an early discontinuation early via student.ladok.se or by sending an email to environmentaljustice [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (environmentaljustice[at]jur[dot]lu[dot]se).
You must re-register if you wish to redo a course you were previously registered for and which you did not complete. You can only be re-registered according to availability and you must re-register in a semester when the course is taught. Our courses are almost always full. If so, re-registration is not possible.
If, on the other hand, you only want to be examined on remaining mandatory elements, you do not need to re-register. In that case, contact us.

Apply to the course at Antagning.se
The course is offered during the summer and is open for applications on Antagning.se
Course administration
environmentaljustice [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (environmentaljustice[at]jur[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 11 60
Course information
Education monitoring
The Law Students Union monitors the education at the Faculty of Law at Lund university.
utbildning [at] jf [dot] se (utbildning[at]jf[dot]se)
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